
Professor Chyan-Long Jan 

Current Position:
President, Soochow University.


* Ph.D. Accounting, Nova University 1998
* M.S. Accounting, University of Missouri 1988
* B.B.A. Accounting, Soochow University 1983


Working Exiperence:

* Vice President, Soochow University, 2023-2024
* Dean, Academic Affairs, Soochow University, 2015-2024
* Director, Global Business of Program, 2015-2022
* Dean, School of Business, 2009-2016
* Director, EMBA, School of Business, 2009-2016
* Chairperson, Accounting Department, 2004-2009
* Full Professor, Accounting Department, 2003-Present


Tel: 886-2-2881-9471 ext.5022

E-mail: president@scu.edu.tw