
SCU Video Helps HS Graduates Choose Ideal Majors

  • 11/19/2015
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  • Headline News
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  • News source: Secretariat
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  • Translator: Pei-wen Chi

As high school seniors who had taken the Advanced Subjects Test are about to submit the list of their choices of future universities and majors, Soochow University has produced a 60-minute video to help these high school graduates make the right choice. A first-time collaboration between SCU and Innovation Open House (IOH), the video consists of clips from 15 departments and three international students that introduced their respective majors and shared their college life experiences as first-hand references for the would-be college freshmen.

The first video, which focused on the 15 departments under School of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences, School of Foreign Languages and Cultures and School of Science in Waishuanghsi Campus, was posted online ahead of the Advanced Subjects Test in July, and had been viewed over 500 times within the first day. The second video is scheduled to film in November, and will focus on the seven departments under School of Law and School of Business in Downtown Campus.

In the video, high-spirited SCU students with different majors introduced the campus environment and diverse courses, shared their experiences in college life and student clubs, and analyzed the required or preferred qualities as well as future career outlooks for certain majors. If high school graduates have any further questions, they are welcome to leave their messages on the IOH platform, which would help them choose their ideal majors without wasting their time and energy in studying something they don’t like or don’t want to make a living with.

